
The Assumptions Teachers Make

First, educators make assumptions about the students who enter their classrooms. Sometimes these assumptions are accurate, sometime not. Sometime these assumptions inhibit teaching and learning, sometimes they promote it. These assumptions can be cultural or socioeconomic, reflect expectations regarding prior knowledge and experience, reflect certain values or expectations. Perhaps the most difficult aspect of these assumptions to overcome is that neither the teacher nor the student may be aware of Read More


Elevator Pitch on Teaching and Learning

Ostensibly, teaching and learning are directly associated. Teachers teach what they have planned, learners learn what they are expected to learn; that learning is demonstrated on the tests we administer, everyone leaves the classroom fulfilled. Reality gets in the way of this plan, however. Students do not learn what teachers teach… they learn things other than what was taught… the tests may not even Read More


Significant Learning

Fink (2003) proposed a taxonomy of significant learning that reflects the aspects of learning commonly cites by advocates for deeper learning. According to Fink, significant learning comprises:  Foundational knowledge which is the information that is transferred in the Standard Model of Education as well as broader concepts that help organized information;  Application which finds learners using the foundational knowledge to solve (or at least attempt to solve) Read More


Can We Agree We are Wrong?

There is so many ideas about teaching and learning that are kicking around in the literature, the blogosphere, and the popular culture that some of them must be incorrect–we know this is true because many of these are contradictory. Let’s clarify that we are wrong about three of these… and these are three that are Read More


Conceptualizing Technology in Education

As information and computer technology (ICT) has become more deeply embedded in curriculum and instruction, technology planning has become an essential part of school leadership. School leaders are expected to take steps to ensure students use technology for diverse learning activities, so infrastructure must be installed and managed, and teachers must be trained in its Read More