
Spinning Up Online Classrooms

Earlier this month, I presented “Spinning Up Online Classrooms” at a regional conference for community college educators. In this post, I summarize my presentation. For a number of reasons, educators are often in the position where they must quickly prepare an online classroom. Certainly, the pandemic caused this, but there are other situations as well. Read More


Reflections on Online Higher Education

Educators who surf the World Wide Web frequently encounter advertisements for online universities. The sales pitches are enticing for busy adults who seek a graduate degree; “learn on your own schedule,” “save costs,” finish quickly through accelerated schedules.” The advertisements come from diverse providers, including for-profit universities which have been in the news for unflattering Read More


High-Quality Online Courses #4: File Formats & Devices

Instructors have many options when creating materials for students. They may have various operating systems, productivity suites, and media creation applications on their devices. Students may not have the same devices and applications installed on their computers and devices as their instructors have. As a result, students may not be able to open files that Read More


Naming Chunks and Items: Thinking About High-Quality Virtual Classrooms #4

The names given to chunks can contribute to the ease of navigating your online classroom. By giving chunks meaningful and descriptive names, instructors both make it easier to find materials and introduce organizing themes to the course. Consider these names that could be applied to a course in which students are learning to use various Read More