
Mixing Up the Interactions

My colleagues at Massachusetts Community Colleges that use Moodle as their LMS have begun collaborating to offer workshops to faculty and staff at all of our campuses. We did not record the first virtual workshop, but I prepared this abbreviated version of the presentation I made on July 6, 2020.


Thinking about Online Discussions

Discussions in online classrooms are a different experience for both teachers and students compared to discussions in traditional classrooms. Traditional discussions are synchronous, so they can be guided in real-time. I often compare it to driving a car. Instructors can change the direction, speed up, slow down, or even stop in response to the input Read More


On High Quality Online Classrooms

What exactly is a high-quality online course is a question that has held the attention of researchers, practitioners, and entrepreneurs for decades. Many schools have adopted their own set of guidelines, perhaps even templates other methods of making sure instructors have in place what the school leaders believe to be effective practices. Some schools have Read More