
A Slightly Cynical Rant on Innovations in Education

Some educators accept the invitation to learn about an innovative pedagogy being introduced to a school. These individuals tend to receive extra training, lead planning and implementation meetings, and deliver professional development to colleagues. In my experience, those who become local advocates of these innovations tend to be less experienced teachers and educators who do Read More


Schools are Unusual Organizations

Schools are unusual organizations. They are political. Especially in those areas where schools are funded by the public, bureaucrats and the governments that direct them exert string influences on what happens within them. They are hierarchical. In an extension of the political nature of schools, schools are operated by administrators who are more powerful than Read More


Reflections on Online Higher Education

Educators who surf the World Wide Web frequently encounter advertisements for online universities. The sales pitches are enticing for busy adults who seek a graduate degree; “learn on your own schedule,” “save costs,” finish quickly through accelerated schedules.” The advertisements come from diverse providers, including for-profit universities which have been in the news for unflattering Read More


On Human Cognition

After more than 30 years in education, I have become convinced that the systems we have created are grounded in an incorrect assumption of what constitutes human thinking. As educators, our goal is to increase and enhances students’ cognitive abilities. When they leave our classrooms, they should be able to observe more and more sophisticated Read More