
Effective Screentime

The question “What does it look like when technology is being used effectively in classrooms?” arises often… it has been treated in previous posts on this blog. Here is another version of my answer that is being repurposed for this blog. Effective “Sreeentime” In recent years, it has become clear to me that there are Read More


Does #edtech Benefit Students?

“Our students need computers, and teachers need to use them.” This idea is expressed by politicians, school leaders, business leaders, community members, technologists, and various other stakeholders. We hear the rhetoric loud and clear, but the critical educator wants an answer to the questions, “Does using computers make a difference? Do my students learn any Read More


Knowledge Building

Since computers were first introduced to classrooms, educators have explored various methods for using computers to access, process, and create information. Computer literacy, an instructional model built on the assumption that one who knew the parts and functions of components could create useful products was discredited as was the extensive use of drill-and-practice software in Read More


Electronic Portfolios

Whereas the effects of instruction are generally understood to be determined by measuring learners’ ability to answer questions in a testing situation after the instruction has concluded, the outcomes of authentic learning (Herrington, Reeves, Oliver, 2014) are generally understood to be demonstrated in products and performances. Artifacts of those products and performances (along with learners’ Read More


Assessment in Education

I am not a fan of the current fixation of educators on assessment. My criticism is based on a couple of points. First, we are so caught up in the work of assessing (work which includes differentiating formative and summative which is a meaningless differentiation) we are reducing our capacity to provide meaningful feedback and Read More