
Typology of Adult Learning

Much of the research on cognition and learning focuses attention on understanding k-12 populations (those who are aged approximately five years through 18 years). The authors of How People Learn 2 do recognize the increasing expectation that older individuals learn as part of their work. Further, they recognize the increasing interest among older populations in Read More


Seven Principles of Good Instruction

Arthur Chickering and Stephen Ehrman (1996) concluded that while ICT-rich learning cannot occur by either technologists or educators working in isolation, the technology selected and used in learning environments can promote seven principles of good practice. Technology can encourage contact between educators and students encourage reciprocity and cooperation among students facilitate active learning and performance Read More


Managing Extraneous Cognitive Load

In authentic learner tasks, the cognitive load of the activities will likely be greater than the cognitive load in highly controlled instructional settings. By preserving the context in which the problems exist in the real world, educators increase the opportunities for intrinsic and germane cognitive load, but also the potential for extraneous cognitive load. There Read More


How People Learn II

How People Learn (National Research council, 2000) has been an important resource for scholars and educational practitioners for almost two decades. Google Scholar indexes more than 24,000 items that have cited the book. In 2018, a second version of the book was published. I am preparing a review of the book to be posted here Read More


Autonomy and Education

Educators appear to have an incomplete and inconsistence awareness of autonomy as a factor that affects learning. Blumenfeld, Kempler, and Krajik (2006) define autonomy to include the “perception of a sense of agency, which occurs when students have the opportunity for choices and for playing a significant role in directing their own activity” (p. 477).  Read More