School and technology leaders spend great amounts of time trying to figure out what they should prioritize; this guides their decisions about where resources are used and which efforts receive attention. Despite their insistence that they are data-driven, many school leaders seem to ignore much that we know about how the phenomena they are trying to promote.
In my experience, school and technology leaders have (for decades now) ignored what we know about what makes for efficient and effective technology use. Technology acceptance is widely used in many fields to guide decision-making about how to deploy and improve technology systems for teaching and learning.
I recently rediscovered a presentation I made in which I made reference to Teo and Noyes’ instrument for leasing technology acceptance in children.

Teo, T., & Noyes, J. (2008). Development and validation of a computer attitude measure for young students (CAMYS). Computers in Human Behavior, 24(6), 2659-2667.