Ackerman Curriculum Repository Proposal

On Working in Schools

When I was an undergraduate student, the university had recently begun a project which found students in education programs spending time in schools early in their studies. Faculty realized a small fraction of their students discovered during their student-teaching, just before they graduated, that they did not like working in schools as adults. Even those Read More

Ackerman Curriculum Repository Proposal

IT for Teaching

The tasks that teachers accomplish using IT systems can be differentiated into two categories. First, are the highly predictable tasks that resemble those performed by business users. IT professionals can plan and test functionality. These tasks include many of the data management tasks such as recording attendance and grades for which teachers are responsible. It Read More

Ackerman Curriculum Repository Proposal

Elevators Pitch on Change in Schools

Some schools lack the structures necessary to change what happens in classrooms; schedules, departments, prescribed curriculum, and other systems are obstacles that are too great. Schools are social organizations, thus inherently political; changes in how teachers interact with students can be affected by the demands or threats of those who are more powerful. Some teachers Read More

Ackerman Curriculum Repository Proposal

Elevator Pitch: School IT Decisions

It is important for all IT professionals who work in school to understand the nature of the users and their specific needs. Every decision made and every action taken by IT professionals (regardless of their role) affects end users either directly (by providing troubleshooting, training, and other support) or indirectly (by installing and configuring systems Read More