Ackerman Curriculum Repository Proposal

Collaborative IT Decision-Making in Schools

Coincident with the changing nature of IT in schools, has been an increasing need for a range of IT professionals to ensure the devices are well-chosen, functional, and used for appropriate teaching. It is unusual to find educators who have sufficient technical expertise to manage the enterprise networks that necessary for school operations and effective Read More

Ackerman Curriculum Repository Proposal

On Customer Service and IT

“Difficult” interactions between IT users and IT professionals are not unique to schools. The difficulties can arise from users’ frustrations that IT is interfering with their abilities to do their work, the perceptions that their priorities are not receiving proper attention, and other factors. In many cases, the IT professionals contribute to the difficulties by Read More

Ackerman Curriculum Repository Proposal

Technology Problems vs. Education Problems

My career has been spent in the space between different populations and translating the language of one population into the language of another. The differences in language are largely the result of different types of problems and situations technologists and educators are prepared to manage and spend their time managing. Compared to the social milieu Read More

Ackerman Curriculum Repository Proposal

Reasonable Implementation of #edtech

School boards hire superintendents and other high-level administrators to make the ultimate decisions about what happens in the school. These leaders are charged with ensuring all decisions, including those related to appropriate design and proper configuration of IT systems are reasonable. Reasonableness is defined by:  Budgets—All decisions must fall within the available budgets and the Read More

Ackerman Curriculum Repository Proposal

Users: The Reasons IT in School is Different from IT in Business

Many IT professional find the strategies that made them successful in business and industry do not transfer into educational institutions. What used to keep users of IT and their leaders and manager content does not produce the same results. The differences between IT users in other organizations and IT user in school can be summarized Read More