
Descriptions of Courses Never Taught

School Technology: A Wicked Problem Description: Schools are becoming technology-rich places, but that technology does not always translate into meaningful experiences for students. This course approaches school technology as a problem that is too poorly understood with blurred boundaries and inaccurate assumptions. Leaders will be introduced to strategies that recognize multiple perspectives on technology, teaching, Read More


On Portfolios

The central feature of every portfolio are the artifacts which are those examples and fragments of work that illustrate the learners’ skills, knowledge, and habits. It is important to note that with some exceptions, artifacts are fragments of work. Rather than including the entire paper, one will include only the abstract or the conclusion, or Read More


Shared Computing Resources in Schools

While computer rooms have largely fallen out of favor in schools (they were perceived to the removing computing from the classroom where most learning occurs), they continue to be maintained on many schools. As more diverse computing devices have emerged, computer rooms have become more important for providing capacity for specialized purposes that require sophisticated Read More


Because Education is Wicked

This brief post continues the theme of: Wicked Problems Transparent Taming of Wicked Problems Solving Wicked Problems Wicked Solutions Matter Because education is a wicked technology, it is anticipated that curriculum and instruction designed for 21st century classrooms will be assessed and evaluated using terms such as good or bad, working or dysfunctional, acceptable or Read More


Education is a Technology

We can see that education is a technology by reviewing several characteristics of technology: One of the underlying assumptions about technology is that it makes life easier or more efficient. This turns out to be a false assumption. When computers arrived in offices, secretaries did not spend less time writing memos. They wrote (and rewrote Read More