
Schools and Social Systems

Schools are places where actions are taken; individuals speak, and they perform certain tasks. It may seem that what is said and done is a natural phenomenon, but closer reflection shows these are decisions made for a range of largely political, but also professional, reasons. Consider the model of school presented in figure 1.   A Read More


A Short Rant on the Politicization of Education

Schools been political institutions, but recent decades have found them increasingly political. This appears to be grounded in the electoral benefits that can be gained by politicians who promise to “fix education.” Other societal factors including demographic changes, calls for accountability, financial influences of publishers and philanthropists, and rapidly-emerging industries have influenced school leaders’ decisions Read More


IT Folks Working in School

If you are like most people, you have distinct memories of each phase of your education from elementary through middle and high school, and perhaps into trade school, college, or employer-based training. It is likely you were somewhat successful in school, otherwise you would be unlikely to be considering or working in a school. I Read More


On Expertise In School Technology

Schools are also organizations that rely on diverse expertise, and this is especially true in relation to information technology. Early in the history of desktop computing in schools, it was common to find tech-savvy teachers who supported and managed the devices. Even today, there are many tech-savvy educators who have successfully installed consumer grade networks Read More


The Technology in Schools and Those Who Support It

For the last several decades, the information technology used in schools has been evolving. Electronic digital computers (in various forms) and networks first augmented paper resources and records, but now they are replacing print. Regardless of the age of the students the school enrolls, the number of students, or the nature of the curriculum, all Read More


On School

A common characteristic of all schools is the separation of learning from situation in which what is learned will be used. School isolates learners and teachers; while isolated, teachers design and deliver lessons through which the students will change. After completing school, everyone (the educators, the students, and those paying for the school) all expect Read More


Where Are Schools Going?

My career in education has been filled with many changes that are very superficial. My colleagues and I do things differently now than I did when I started, but many of those changes have not necessarily changed the experience of being a student. We are teaching the same way we did in the 1980’s (which Read More


On IT in Schools

For the last several decades, schools have emerged as places filled with digital technologies. Regardless of the age of the students the school enrolls, the number of students, or the nature of the curriculum, all schools rely on information technology systems for teaching, managing student data, and for facilitating business operations. Students use Chromebooks, tablets, Read More