
On Internet Publishing

I recently discovered this prargraph that I wrote about 15 years ago. I was prescient: The milieu of information sources is further complicated by the fact that the hardware and software necessary to publish to the Internet is available on even the most modest computer systems in use today, and that connections to the Internet Read More


On Human Communication Technology

Prior to the invention of digital electronic computers, humans had a long history of using information technologies. Even before the invention of writing, humans were inventing soft technologies for string information outside of a single human brain. Pre-literate cultures used communal storytelling, myths, and poems are all inventions used in cultures to share and store Read More


Teaching with Technology

Teaching with technology has been called technology integration in many sources. This finds teachers incorporating technology into the lessons they would teach without technology. In addition to adopting technology to present the lesson, teaching with technology often finds the teachers adapting the lesson. They will both make planning decisions about the lessons based on the technology tools Read More


Teaching About Technology

Teaching about technology was common when computers first arrived in educational markets. Called computer literacy at the time, it focused on teaching students the names and functions of systems rather than how to use them. This was a very reasonable approach at the time as few individuals had computers in their homes and one of the most Read More


edtech for IT: Appropriate, Proper, Reasonable

No IT professional wants users of their systems to be ineffective and complaining. This poses a difficulty for IT professionals who move from business in to education. IT professionals will notice differences (some nuanced and some significant) between the needs and expectations of IT users in business and IT in school. With the more complete Read More


A Privacy Story

One of those emails arrived in my inbox recently that cause me to start a response, then another. One the third restart, I sent him an invite to a virtual meeting, started it, and waited for him to join. He summarized the situation he was facing:  The story is not troubling to this point. Redesigning Read More


edtech for IT: Acceptable Use Policies

All organizations have acceptable use policies which that define what users are allowed to do with devices and systems owned by the organization. These policies are approved by organization’s governing bodies (school board are generally responsible for adopting policy) and are intended to protect the organization and the systems they support.  In general, the role Read More