#edtech for #edleaders: User Accounts

Almost all computer systems in the 21st century require a user account. These accounts are used to control which computer resources will be available to the user. This is done to protect the system and the information stored on it. Accounts are typically assigned one of these levels of control:

> Administrator accounts have permission to do almost anything– one who logs on with such an account can manage the operating system, install and remove software, and create and delete files.

> User accounts can be highly configured. When one logs on with a user account, he or she many be able to save files, set individual settings, and use printers or other peripherals, depending on the permission set up by the administrator.

> Guest accounts have very limited access to resources.

Sometimes the same username and password is used to access different systems, but this is generally the exception rather than the rule. Many educators waste time and become frustrated because they try to log on to systems using incorrect usernames and passwords.

A few things to remember about accounts:

> Usernames must be unique.

> Learn to recognize the systems you are logging on to and the account information needed to access the system. Take steps to minimize the user names and passwords you have to remember, but understand this cannot always be done.

> Account information for Internet sites can be recovered through email; LAN accounts are rest by system administrators.