
File Formats

We have been teaching in online classrooms for decades now, and I still see faculty–many faculty–who take the files they create with their productivity suites and upload them for students. When they do this, they impose an unnecessary level of complexity on students. In some cases, they cannot open the files as they lack the Read More


Another Look at TPCK

Several years ago, I posted on TPCK. This post further develops my understanding of it. In 2006, scholars Punya Mishra and Matthew J. Koehler from Michigan State University detailed the TPACK framework. According to this model, three types of knowledge affect educator’s use of technology. These three define seven independent and combined domains of knowledge. Read More


Whom We Find in Schools

The composition of the leaders who set school agendas, policies, and procedures is an interesting aspect of these public institutions. In general, we recognize two groups of people who participate in schooling as adults. There are those who liked school or were successful in school; individuals in this group tend to advocate schools that reflect Read More


IT and School Curriculum Planning

Educators are constantly reviewing what they teach. Many regulatory agencies require curriculum documents to be updated, and professional organizations update curriculum suggestions as well. IT professionals are often expected to participate in some of these efforts. Although IT professionals will not make recommendations about what should be taught, they are asked to participate in curriculum Read More


On Student Users

Students, of course, comprise the greatest number of IT users in schools. When considered together, k-12 students represent a group with a very wide range of skill sets and needs. The youngest students have emerging literacy and numeracy skills, and their hands are too small to fit on full sized keyboards in the manner they Read More


Darwin’s Ghosts

Darwin’ Ghosts begins with the recognition that Charles Darwin was not the first person to propose life evolves. We know that, and Darwin did too; as did lots of those who read his The Origin of Species. In later editions of the work, Darwin did include a section recognizing those who published before he did.   Read More


When Learning Is Inert

We have all experienced the change in our brains we call learning. We become capable of remembering information, performing actions, recognizing patterns, appreciating observations, asking questions, and otherwise interacting with ideas, tools, and people in a way we could not previously. Becoming aware of and evaluating our capabilities is learning as well. The many processes Read More