Ackerman Curriculum Repository Proposal

Perspectives on Planning

The potential for dysfunction within the teams charged with technology planning is great, however. Educators and technologists participate in planning and decision-making processes within their specific domains, but those activities are very different within each group. Technologists have recognized and commonly understood guidelines and standards within which they work and design, and most problems can Read More

Ackerman Curriculum Repository Proposal

Leadership and the Adoption of Innovative Planning

Reach out @garyackermanphd if you are interested in the entire chapter. ABSTRACT   Schools have become places filled with digital tools. Despite this fact, school leaders find technology planning to be an area of relative weakness. This chapter describes the experience of four school leaders who adopted an unfamiliar strategy for making technology decisions. The leader participated in a Read More

Ackerman Curriculum Repository Proposal

On Training and Change

The need to train and retrain teachers has taken on increased importance as digital computers have arrived in schools. As an undergraduate student enrolled in a course on teaching methods, I made an appointment with the staff at a small media office and had them sign a sheet confirming that I successfully threaded a film Read More

Ackerman Curriculum Repository Proposal

On #edtech Audits

Information technology is an essential aspect of every school. Students and teachers use computers to consume and create digital information. Administrators and staff use cloud-based student information and business systems to manage data and facilitate operations. Librarians manage digital collections and subscriptions to full-text databases, and technology specialists support learning management systems and other infrastructure Read More

Ackerman Curriculum Repository Proposal

Leaders and Inside Expertise

Organizations plan. Especially in the last several decades as information technology globalization, and other factors have changed the nature of economic, political, and cultural interaction; leaders have sought to engage members in the work of reinventing what they do and how they do it. In some cases, these efforts are successful; in other cases, they Read More