
On Systems

All of the systems have common elements. By looking for these characteristics, and using these characteristics when studying the systems of interest, technologists, scientists, and engineers can more quickly solve problems and design solutions. Order. All systems are recognized by some sort of order, parts and boundaries can be recognized and measured. Order also gives Read More


On Using Data

We hear lots of folks talking about how data-driven they are today, but it seems these folks are often woefully unaware of the fundamental principles of data collection, analysis and presentation. Specific principles I see missing in “data-driven” folks are: If we are to claim to be data-driven in our decisions, then we are responsible Read More


IT Audits in Schools

Organizations invest significant time, energy, and money in information technology systems, and leaders hire skilled information technology professionals to ensure the IT contributes to the success of the organization. Despite the investment and the level of expertise IT professionals bring to their work, many conclude the IT installed and its management is less than satisfactory.  Read More


On Educational Technology Rather the IT in Schools

In 1993, Seymour Papert imagined two time-traveling professionals from 100 years earlier; he speculated the physician would be flummoxed by the activity and the technology in the 20th century clinic, but the teacher would find the activity and the technology in a 20th century classroom very familiar. Papert based his speculations on the degree to Read More


On Data Collection for edtech Decisions

Regardless of the type of data collected, researchers and efficacious IT managers must attend to sampling (how will subjects be selected) and they must ensure the instruments they are using are both valid (measuring what they claim to be measuring) and sufficiently precise for the purposes. In addition, IT managers have a responsibility to gather Read More


edtech for IT: Appropriate, Proper, Reasonable

No IT professional wants users of their systems to be ineffective and complaining. This poses a difficulty for IT professionals who move from business in to education. IT professionals will notice differences (some nuanced and some significant) between the needs and expectations of IT users in business and IT in school. With the more complete Read More


edtech for IT: Acceptable Use Policies

All organizations have acceptable use policies which that define what users are allowed to do with devices and systems owned by the organization. These policies are approved by organization’s governing bodies (school board are generally responsible for adopting policy) and are intended to protect the organization and the systems they support.  In general, the role Read More