
On Teacher Burnout

I was a teacher for 30 years… well technically just over 29 years of service according to the retirement board, but close enough. I am still working to support teaching and learning in a community college. At multiple times over my career, I experienced burn-out. I know it well. I empathize with those who are Read More


On Control in #Classrooms

Whether we admit it or not, much of teaching requires students to do things they would not otherwise. Some students will read, write, compute, think, and interact for their own motivations or to comply, but in the absence of school and the assignments that accompany class, most students would not choose the work that comprises school.   If we accept my premise, then one Read More


Elevator Pitch on Emerging Teaching Practices

In recent decades, scholars have rediscovered the very effective learning that happens outside of classrooms. Because it is so difficult for “school learning” to displace the concepts learned outside of classrooms seems to confirm the strength of what is learned outside of school.   As cognitive and neuroscientists have illuminated the changes in human bodies and Read More


Elevator Pitch on Censorship

Educated individuals value the free expression of ideas, yet we recognize some ideas are distasteful, others harmful, and some are likely promoted by quacks. It is through our capacity to critically analyze ideas to decide which deserve our attention, which should be seriously considered, and which dismissed.   Our human nature and our professional ethics lead us to Read More


Hire a Former Teacher… or Maybe Not

A colleague and I were talking over a video call today… No… that is not true. We were bitching… we were commiserating… we were griping about careers being spent in education and the things educators can do when they leave the field… or more precisely the things it is assumed we cannot do when we Read More


Skeptic or Cynic?

Over my career, I have adopted the role of skeptic. Whenever anything new comes along, I look at it carefully and I must become convinced there is a compelling reason to adopt it. I also, however, turn the same critical eye to my own practices; I seek to convince myself that what I am doing Read More