
Another View of Technology Acceptance

School and technology leaders spend great amounts of time trying to figure out what they should prioritize; this guides their decisions about where resources are used and which efforts receive attention. Despite their insistence that they are data-driven, many school leaders seem to ignore much that we know about how the phenomena they are trying Read More


Future of Work

In the 1992 book The Work of Nations, Robert Reich suggested the basic work skills necessary for future workers would include: abstraction which includes the ability to make meaning of complicated and unfamiliar situations system thinking which includes the ability to deconstruct the abstractions, and make logical predicts and develop rational strategies  experimentation which includes Read More


The Three Agogos

The Greek word agogos means leader. We still encounter the work today when we refer to the work done by teachers. Traditionally, the craft of teaching is called pedagogy, a word that combines “ped” for children and “agogos” for leader, so (loosely) one’s pedagogy is what one does to be a leader of children. Since Read More