
Personalized Learning: Four Types

Educators hear “personalized learning” is almost every professional conversation, conference description, in-service training, graduate course, or other discussion of “the future of education.” I have long been a user of “personalized learning” in my classrooms including the course I teach for teachers, and I must admit being quite frustrated with the current rhetoric. We are Read More


Types of Eduction

Educational theory has been marked by a steady progression of ideas: Instructionism posited knowledge could be transferred from outside a learner’s brain into it, and one stored there, it was available for use to solved problems and build new knowledge. Constructivism posited social interaction led learners to build new knowledge inside his or her brain. Read More


Backwards Design

What are the fundamental “things” that teachers need to understand? This question has been interesting to me thorough my career, and the list that comprises my answer appears to have changed (at least if I am interpreting the notes I have kept and saved over my career accurately). One of my current answers is backwards Read More


Cooperation vs. Collaboration

I recently objected to a colleague who was using “cooperate” and “collaborate” as synonyms. As I read the best thinkers about teaching and learning, I find the difference described in their writing about the differences makes sense and helps to to clarify my own thinking about what happens in classrooms (both mine and my colleagues’). Read More