
Elevator Pitch: Appropriate, Proper, Reasonable IT

Technology that is appropriately used meets the needs of those who provide the mission-critical functions of the organization. For the technology to be reliable, robust, and secure, it must be properly configured. Technology is reasonable if is fits into budgetary limits and aligns with  the organization’s policies and mission. If the technology fails to meet Read More


Reflecting on Pandemic Teaching

While I am a distance learning professional and I spend most of my time working at a computer and encouraging educators to use computers, I am an educator before I am a technologist. Teaching decisions must be made to benefit students. For much of my career, it has been easy for many individual educators to reject all technology-based and distance learning options categorically. They were justified in reasoning they could Read More


Authentic Learning

Much of the 20th century recitation script for education, in particular the articulation of measurable goals and the focus on efficiency, was based on the assumption that becoming educated was a tame problem. So that curriculum goals could be achieved efficiently, the problems that became learner tasks were de-contextualized; the context of rich information and Read More


Another View of Appropriate, Proper, and Reasonable

In this blog, I have reasoned educational technology must be appropriate, proper, and reasonable. As I think about this more, it seems there are three separate and related, but largely independent groups that must give input into the management of information technology in school organizations. Steering Committees are diverse groups comprising representatives from across the Read More


Wickedness and Planning

I found this conclusion to a piece I wrote about 2 years ago… seems timely now: School leaders are encouraged to develop plans for continuous improvement (Cohen-Vogel, Cannata, Rutledge, & Socol, 2016) and they are also encouraged to use data to inform their decisions (Saltman & Means, 2017). Many of the problems school leaders seek Read More


Lessons from Remote Teaching

In the months since “remote” teaching became a “thing,” the tension between educators and technology professionals seems to have become more obvious. I believe this arises in port form the fact that many who were successfully avoiding technology in their teaching no longer have that option. This hassled me to revisit the “technology planning cycle” Read More