While I am a distance learning professional and I spend most of my time working at a computer and encouraging educators to use computers, I am an educator before I am a technologist. Teaching decisions must be made to benefit students. For much of my career, it has been easy for many individual educators to reject all technology-based and distance learning options categorically. They were justified in reasoning they could Read More
Category: Technology
On Echo Chambers
A friend and I were recently discussing John Perry Barlow’s “Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace.” Barlow’s ideas resonate with both of us. We were wondering if we (as a culture) had achieved what Barlow had envisioned. We challenged ourselves to compose a brief summary of what we have observed in the last few years. Read More
How to Use Occam’s Razor
We all experience circumstances that we know cannot be due to coincidental. We see things on our digital devices that we interpret as evidence our devices are “spying,” as they “know” what we want. I had such an experience earlier this week. I needed an address… a real address where I was sending a piece Read More
The Affordances of Virtual Classrooms.
The idea of affordances has been used in the last few decades to capture the idea that the environment allows us to do certain things. Some environments afford some actions, other environments afford different actions. In this post, I consider the characteristics of virtual classrooms and what they afford students and teachers. First, technology has Read More
Technology & Cognition
The global computer networks that we have at our finger tips in the third decade of the 21st century have been attributed with creating a “global village,” and that seems a appropriate metaphor as many have had the experience of communicating with individual at the next seat or thousands of miles away using ICT. The Read More
IT Users in Business Versus IT Users in Education
Business and Industry Educational Organizations Competent users(generally adults have the general aptitude and literacy skills necessary for their jobs) Users with emerging competence(especially in primary and elementary schools, many users have emerging skills) Predictable skills(technology planners can be sure they know the skills and competencies of groups in the workforce) Unpredictable skills (planners Read More
On Teachers’ Technical Knowledge
I’ve been thinking about Mishra and Kohler’s (2009) TPACK, the framework for understanding teaching in the digital world. Over time, the tools that provide educational relevant capacity have expanded. Today, we include: Computers: The desktops and laptops with Windows or the Macintosh OS installed. Applications: The programs used on computers. Your profession probably has “industry Read More
Walter Ong on Writing and Print
With the rise of writing, and then print, Walter Ong noted that communication became a process in which, “The mind interacts with the material world around it more profoundly and creatively than has hitherto been thought” (Ong, 1982, p. 172). Reference Ong, W. J. (1991). Orality and literacy: The technologizing of the word. London ; New Read More
Electronic Portfolios: The Role of the Creator
At several time over the last 20 years, I have helped schools create electronic portfolio projects– I wish these had been more sustained, but I’ve found there is a vast disconnect between what educators think they will be and what they really are. I discovered this summary of eportolfios that I prepared for a specific Read More
Thoughts on A People’ History of Computing in the Uniter States
My afternoon walks have found Joy Lisi Rankin’s A People’s History of Computing in the United States playing through my ear buds. It was an interesting and thought-provoking listen. (I’m facing the challenge of blogging about it without being able to return to the pages.) The work is presented to challenge the narrative that computing Read More